Sun, 25 December 2011
This week's poem is by David Huerta from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Jamie McKendrick and then in Spanish by David himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about David Huerta and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 18 December 2011
This week's poem is by Mohan Rana from India. The poem is read first in English translation by Bernard O'Donoghue and then in Hindi by Mohan himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Mohan Rana and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 11 December 2011
This week's poem is by Partaw Naderi from Afghanistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Dari by Partaw himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Partaw Naderi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 4 December 2011
This week's poem is by Kajal Ahmad from Kurdistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Mimi Khalvati and then in Kurdish by Choman Hardi. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Kajal Ahmad and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 27 November 2011
This week's poem is by Saado Cabdi Amarre from Somaliland. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Somali by Saado herself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Saado Cabdi Amarre and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 20 November 2011
This week's poem is by Victor Teran from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by David Shook and then in Zapotec by Victor himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Victor Teran and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 13 November 2011
This week's poem is by Al Saddiq Al Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Saddiq himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 6 November 2011
This week's poem is by Noshi Gillani from Pakistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Lavinia Greenlaw and then in Urdu by Kamila Shamsie. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Noshi Gillani and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 30 October 2011
This week's poem is by David Huerta from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Jamie McKendrick and then in Spanish by David himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about David Huerta and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 23 October 2011
This week's poem is by Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac 'Gaarriye' from Somaliland. The poem is read first in English translation by W N Herbert and then in Somali by Gaarriye himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Gaarriye and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 16 October 2011
This week's poem is by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Saddiq himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 9 October 2011
This week's poem is by Mohan Rana from India. The poem is read first in English translation by Bernard O'Donoghue and then in Hindi by Mohan himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Mohan Rana and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 2 October 2011
This week's poem is by Coral Bracho from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Katherine Pierpoint and then in Spanish by Coral herself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Coral Bracho and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 25 September 2011
This week's poem is by Partaw Naderi from Afghanistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Dari by Partaw himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Partaw Naderi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 18 September 2011
This week's poem is by Kajal Ahmad from Kurdistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Mimi Khalvati and then in Kurdish by the poet Choman Hardi. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Kajal Ahmad and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 11 September 2011
This week's poem is by Victor Teran from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by David Shook and then in Zapotec by Victor himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Victor Teran and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 4 September 2011
This week's poem is by David Huerta from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Jamie McKendrick and then in Spanish by David himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about David Huerta and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 28 August 2011
This week's poem is by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 21 August 2011
'Can someone bring me my entire being?' by Noshi Gillani, translated by Lavinia Greenlaw and Nukhbah Langah
This week's poem is by Noshi Gillani from Pakistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Lavinia Greenlaw and then in Urdu by the writer Kamila Shamsie. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Noshi Gillani and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website
Direct download: PP_Noshi_Can_Someone_Bring_Me_My_Entire_Being.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm UTC |
Sun, 14 August 2011
This week's poem is by Corsino Fortes from Cape Verde. The poem is read first in English translation by Sean O'Brien and then in Portuguese by Corsino himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Corsino Fortes and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website
Direct download: PP_Corsino_Postcards_from_the_High_Seas.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm UTC |
Sun, 7 August 2011
'A Nightingale in the Cage of my Breast' by Farzaneh Khojandi, translated by Jo Shapcott and Narguess Farzad
This week's poem is by Farzaneh Khojandi from Tajikistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Jo Shapcott and then in Tajik by Farzaneh herself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Farzaneh Khojandi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website
Direct download: PP_Farzaneh_A_Nightingale_in_the_Cage_of_my_Breast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm UTC |
Sun, 31 July 2011
This week's poem is by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 24 July 2011
This week's poem is by Mohan Rana from India. The poem is read first in English translation by Bernard O'Donoghue and then in Hindi by Mohan himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Mohan Rana and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 17 July 2011
This week's poem is by Coral Bracho from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Katherine Pierpoint and then in Spanish by Coral herself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Coral Bracho and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 10 July 2011
This week's poem is by Partaw Naderi from Afghanistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Dari by Partaw himself. If you enjoy this recording and would like to find out more about Partaw Naderi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 4 July 2011
This week's poem is by Kajal Ahmad from Kurdistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Mimi Khalvati and then in Kurdish by the poet Choman Hardi. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Kajal Ahmad and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website
Direct download: PP_Kajal_The_Fruit_Sellers_Philosophy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:42am UTC |
Mon, 27 June 2011
This week's poem is by Victor Teran from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by David Shook and then in Zapotec by Victor himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Victor Teran and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 20 June 2011
This week's poem is by Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac 'Gaarriye' from Somaliland. The poem is read first in English translation by W.N. Herbert and then Somali by Gaarriye himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Gaarriye and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 13 June 2011
This week's poem is by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Saddiq himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Sun, 5 June 2011
This week's poem is by Noshi Gillani from Pakistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Lavinia Greenlaw and then in Urdu by Kamila Shamsie. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Noshi Gillani and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website
Mon, 30 May 2011
This week's poem is by David Huerta from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Jamie McKendrick and then in Spanish by David himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about David Huerta and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 23 May 2011
This week's poem is by Farzaneh Khojandi from Tajikistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Jo Shapcott and then in Tajik by Farzaneh herself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Farzaneh Khojandi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 16 May 2011
This week's poem is by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Saddiq himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 9 May 2011
This week's poem is by Mohan Rana from India. The poem is read first in English translation by Bernard O'Donoghue and then in Hindi by Mohan himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Mohan Rana and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 2 May 2011
This week's poem is by Coral Bracho from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Katherine Pierpoint and then in Spanish by Coral herself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Coral Bracho and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 25 April 2011
This week's poem is by Partaw Naderi from Afghanistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Dari by Partaw himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Partaw Naderi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 18 April 2011
'Rain' (from 'All the Incomplete Definitions') by Kajal Ahmad, translated by Mimi Khalvati and Choman Hardi
This week's poem is by Kajal Ahmad from Kurdistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Mimi Khalvati and then in Kurdish by Choman Hardi. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Kajal Ahmad and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 11 April 2011
This week's poem is by Victor Teran from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by David Shook and then in Zapotec by Victor himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Victor Teran and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 4 April 2011
This week's poem is by Corsino Fortes from Cape Verde. The poem is read first in English translation by Sean O'Brien and then in Portuguese by Corsino himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Corsino Fortes and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 28 March 2011
'There was a time when I loved alone' by Noshi Gillani, translated by Lavinia Greenlaw and Nukhbah Langah
This week's poem is by Noshi Gillani from Pakistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Lavinia Greenlaw and then in Urdu by the writer Kamila Shamsie. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Noshi Gillani and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website
Direct download: PP_Noshi_There_Was_a_Time_When_I_Loved_Alone.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am UTC |
Mon, 21 March 2011
This week's poem is by David Huerta from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Jamie McKendrick and then in Spanish by David himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about David Huerta and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website
Direct download: PP_David_13_Attempts_on_the_Life_of_Trivial_Love.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am UTC |
Mon, 14 March 2011
This week's poem is by Farzaneh Khojandi from Tajikistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Jo Shapcott and then in Tajik by Farzaneh herself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Farzaneh Khojandi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 7 March 2011
This week's poem is by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Saddiq himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 28 February 2011
This week's poem is by Mohan Rana from India. The poem is read first in English translation by Bernard O'Donoghue and then in Hindi by Mohan himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Mohan Rana and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 21 February 2011
This week's poem is by Coral Bracho from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Katherine Pierpoint and then in Spanish by Coral herself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Coral Bracho and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 14 February 2011
This week's poem is by Victor Teran from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by David Shook and then in Zapotec by Victor himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Victor Teran and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 7 February 2011
This week's poem is by Partaw Naderi from Afghanistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Dari by Partaw himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Partaw Naderi and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 31 January 2011
This week's poem is by Kajal Ahmad from Kurdistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Mimi Khalvati and then in Kurdish by the poet Choman Hardi. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Kajal Ahmad and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 24 January 2011
This week's poem is by Victor Teran from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by David Shook and then in Zapotec by Victor Teran. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Victor Teran and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 17 January 2011
This week's poem is by Gaarriye from Somaliland. The poem is read first in English translation by W.N. Herbert and then in Somali by Gaarriye. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Gaarriye and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 10 January 2011
This week's poem is by Noshi Gillani from Pakistan. The poem is read first in English translation by Lavinia Greenlaw and then in Urdu by the writer Kamila Shamsie. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about Noshi Gillani and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |
Mon, 3 January 2011
This week's poem is by David Huerta from Mexico. The poem is read first in English translation by Jamie McKendrick and then in Spanish by David himself. If you enjoy this poem and would like to find out more about David Huerta and all the other poets we’ve translated, please visit our website |